Saturday, January 11, 2014

Holistic Health-- Introducing the 4 Compass Points

The New Year is a good time to introduce a simple way to view your health holistically— the 4 Compass Points of Life:
1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Spiritual
4. Emotional 
Each day, strive to take care of the needs of each of these areas, and you will go far in achieving balance in your life. Neglecting any of them can lead to imbalance and possibly medical or emotional problems, but overdoing it in any one area can also cause problems, so strive for both balance and moderation. In this series of postings, we will talk about each compass point in turn. For even more information, see my first book, Keep Your Eye on the Prize! (


  1. Dr. Long,
    I'm writing to let you know the US Military has taken a similar approach. We now look not only at the physical and intellectual, but also, spiritual, financial, and emotional state of our members. You are correct, only a "holistic" approach will help our people be the best they possibly can be. Dave Brown

    1. Dear Dave,
      So glad to hear this and stay tuned for more posts on this topic! Did you know that my first book ( is packed with tools for resilience development in our youth? Would be delighted to discuss further with you some ideas for teaching our military youth strategies they can take with them anywhere. Email me or give me a call.
